BMM/Exact - Current workflow versions

The article documents the BMM/Exact Workflow revisions. These revisions can be for a multiple of reasons, such as improving the process due to new functionality or updates to the API.

Current versions of the 5 workflows:

  • !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 1/5: Scrape BMM SQ's to EXACT Adgroups v1
  • !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 2/5: Exclude EXACT keyword in BMM Adgroup v1
  • !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 3/5: Add sculpting negative single words to EXACT Adgroups v2
  • !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 4/5: Add sculpting negative full words to EXACT Adgroups v2
  • !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 5/5: Split high performers into SKAGs v3

Update List:

Date Previous workflow Update reason
10/07/20 !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 3/5: Add sculpting negative single words to EXACT Adgroups v1 Update to include the 'Campaign includes _SEA' Condition at the start
10/07/20 !BMM/EXACT [Daily] Step 5/5: Split high performers into SKAGs v2 Update to include the 'Campaign includes _SEA' Condition at the start