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Global Workflow Template Explained: Scan single words looking for negatives


This article will walk you through implementing a Global Template search query dissected process that sends alerts to check if you want to add single words as negatives.

See previous workflow versions at bottom of article


Global Workflow Template Explained: Scan single words looking for negatives

Workflow Logic Explained:

Note: The workflows for Google Ads and Microsoft Ads are the same.  

Step One - Is the word in an active ad group?

  • (If no, ignore the word)
  • (If yes, proceed to Step Two)

2. Step Two - Has the word ever had a conversion in the campaign? 

  • (If yes, ignore the word)
  • (If no, proceed to Step Three)

3. Step Three - Is the all time cost of the word greater than the cost per conversion of the campaign in the last 30 days?

  • (If yes, ignore the word)
  • (If no, proceed to Step Four)

4. Step Four - Has the word had more than 0 impressions over the last 30 days?

  • (If no, ignore the word)
  • OUTPUT: If yes, the workflow will send an alert to the Insights Dashboard to manually assess the word.  

If you would like to apply this workflow to your accounts but need some guidance, check out our article on how to apply a template process.

We love to hear from you!  Any questions or feedback on this article or workflow (or just to say hi), please email us at hello@ppcsamurai.com.

Workflow Description: 

Current version (Google Ads): [Weekly] Scan single words looking for negatives V2
Current version (Microsoft Ads): [Weekly] Scan single words looking for negatives v1
Workflow level: Search Query Dissected
Available for platform: Google Ads, Microsoft Ads
Recommended automatic run cadence: Weekly

Workflow Updates:

Date Previous workflow versions Update reason